NEWS RELEASE – May 19, 2006
NEW YORK, NY -- Few people are aware of the extraordinary impact that insurance has on state, local and the national economies. The Insurance Information Institute is launching “A Firm Foundation: How Insurance Supports the Economy”, a new Web site that shows the myriad of ways in which insurance provides economic support; from offering employment and fueling the capital markets, to providing financial security and income to individuals and local businesses through the payment of claims.
The Web site includes a wide array of charts and tables, as well as a special tool that generates state specific compilations. It can be accessed at . The resource is also available on CD ROM, along with an illustrated booklet displaying key charts. To request free copies of the booklet and CD ROM contact by the Insurance Information Institute by email address at, or call 212-346-5500.
This news release is brought to you by the commitment and assurance of the A.D. Dern Insurance Agency, Inc., keeping you up to date and aware of the ever changing California Insurance market place. Continue to check back with us for other insurance articles of interest.
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